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Health care
We provide affordable and personalized care
How can we help?
- Find care
Find doctors, specialists, locations, urgent care and other services near you
- Patient portal sign-in
Make appointments, get medical records, message your care team and more
- Get the right kind of care
From primary to virtual to urgent care, learn where to go and when
Helpful links
- Pay a bill
Manage your medical bills the fast, easy way
- Patient support
Find contact information and frequently asked questions
11 things to keep in mind for a more healthy lifestyle
More articles
Accounts to help you save and pay for health care expenses
How can we help?
- Sign in to your account
Manage your HSA, check your balance, transfer a balance and more
- Explore account types
Compare health benefit accounts and learn how each option can work for you
- Pay a bill
The fast, easy way to pay your medical bills online
Helpful links
- Resources
Find contribution limits, savings tools, calculators and eligible expenses
- Account support
Find contact information and frequently asked questions
Mobile app
Manage your account on the go
Get the new mobile app and manage your health accounts anywhere.
We make it easy to get medications you need, when and where you need them
How can we help?
- Home Delivery Pharmacy
Register or sign in, fill your prescription and have it delivered right to your door
- Specialty Pharmacy
Register or sign in and fill your specialty prescriptions for complex therapies
- Infusion Pharmacy
Register or sign in and manage your infusion therapies
- Genoa Healthcare
Manage your medications for mental health and complex conditions
Helpful links
- Optum Rx
For people with pharmacy insurance benefits through Optum Rx
- Track orders
Track your home delivery and specialty order
- Pharmacy support
Find contact information and answers to frequently asked questions
We make it easy to find and pay your bill, see your medical records, make appointments and connect with your care team.
Find your services by state
Notice:We are moving to MyChart on October 1, excluding 4C Trinity and Apricus. 4C Trinity and Apricus will move to MyChart on December 1. Find out what our change to new a patient portal means for you.
Moving to MyChart for Patient Records
Unfortunately, due to system issues online bill pay is unavailable and patient statements are currently on hold.If you have billing questions, please call1-800-765-8959, TTY711.
Optum Arizona
Optum Care Network – Arizona
If you’re a network member, you can see your health insurance claims online.
FollowMyHealth Patient Portal
Optum (formerly HealthCare Partners)
Use this if you’re an Optum patient in LA or Orange County. Your billing statement will say “Bill ID” in the upper right corner.
- Pay Optum California bill
Formerly HealthCare Partners or AppleCare Medical Group
If you have an Optum (formerly HealthCare Partners or AppleCare Medical Group) portal account
- Sign in to patient portal
Formerly Optum Care Medical Group
If you have an Optum (formerly Optum Care Medical Group) portal account
Formerly Optum Care Medical Group West Vista
If you have an Optum (formerly Optum Care Medical Group West Vista) portal account
Notice: We are moving to MyChart starting on December 1. Find out what our change to new a patient portal means for you.
Moving to MyChart for Patient Records
Unfortunately, due to system issues online bill pay is unavailable and patient statements are currently on hold.If you have billing questions, please call 1-866-274-0907,TTY 711.
If you get a bill from Optum Colorado in Denver, Optum in Colorado Springs or MVMG, you can pay it online.
Optum Colorado in Denver (formerly NWP)
If you have questions, call 1-866-274-0907, TTY 711.
Optum–Colorado Springs
If you have questions, call 1-877-229-3448, TTY 711.
Optum Colorado in Pikes Peak area (formerly MVMG)
If you have questions, call 1-866-764-7729, TTY 711.
Customer service
For Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region, please call customer service at 1-719-522-1133, TTY 711.
For the Denver metro area, please call customer service at 1-303-425-4690, TTY 711. Our representatives speak English.
myProHealth patient portal
Optum Florida in-person care
To pay for an in-person visit or find your patient portal, choose one of the following:
- Pay your billwithout logging in to a portal.
- Learn more about our patient portal.
Optum Virtual Care
Need to pay for a virtual visit? Choose the option that reflects the date of your care:
- For a visit on or before May 30, 2023
- For a visit on or after May 31, 2023
Have a question or need information?
We're here to help:
- For billing questions, call1-877-807-8421, TTY711.
- For customer service, call1-800-966-2811, TTY711, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.
- If you prefer, email us will be answered within two business days.
Notice: We are moving to MyChart starting on December 1. Find out what our change to new a patient portal means for you.
Moving to MyChart for Patient Records
Unfortunately, due to system issues online bill pay is unavailable and patient statements are currently on hold.If you have billing questions, please call1-800-765-8959, TTY711.
Southwest Medical
You can now pay your bill online through PayMyDoctor. All you need is your billing statement.
FollowMyHealth patient portal
Choose this if you're you a patient of Optum cancer care, Optum lung and allergy care or Optum orthopedics and spine:
Urology Specialists of Nevada
New Jersey (Riverside)
Serves New Jersey and Southern Connecticut:
- Pay Optum/Riverside bill
- Sign in to patient portal for Optum/Riverside
Notice: We are moving to MyChart starting on December 1. Find out what our change to new a patient portal means for you.
Moving to MyChart for Patient Records
Optum New Mexico
- Pay Optum New Mexico bill
FollowMyHealth patient portal
For information, call 1-505-900-0932, TTY 711. Our representatives speak English and Spanish.
New York (CareMount)
Serves Hudson Valley, Westchester and Manhattan
- Pay Optum/CareMount bill
- Sign in to patient portal for Optum/CareMount
New York (ProHEALTH)
Serves Long Island and all New York City boroughs
- Pay Optum/ProHEALTH bill
- Sign in to patient portal for Optum/ProHEALTH
GreenField Health
Oregon Medical Group
Healthcare Associates of Texas
The Patient portal for Optum Utah is temporarily unavailable. For information, call1-844-638-4825, TTY711.
Unfortunately, due to system issues online bill pay is unavailable and patient statements are currently on hold.If you have billing questions, please call1-800-765-8959, TTY 711.
Optum Care Washington, formerly The Everett Clinic
The Polyclinic, doing business as Optum Care Washington
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