Roll20 - Compendium and Rule Set Directory (2024)

These D&D 5E Free Basic Rules only contain a fraction of the races, subclasses, backgrounds, feats, items, monsters, spells, and other content available on Roll20. Check out the Player's Handbook to add dozens of more player options to the Charactermancer, the Dungeon Master's Guide to expand on the tools available for DMs, and the Monster Manual to add hundreds of more unique creatures (including token artwork) to fight!

As a bard, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per bard level
Hit Pointsat 1st Level: 8 + yourConstitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per bard level after 1st

Starting Proficiencies

You are proficient with the following items, in addition to any proficiencies provided by your race or background.

Armor:Light armor
Weapons:Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools: three musical instruments of your choice
Saving Throws:Dexterity,Charisma
Skills: Choose any three.

Starting Equipment

You start with the following items, plus anything provided by your background.

• (a) arapier, (b) alongsword, or (c) anysimple weapon
• (a) a diplomat's pack or (b) an entertainer's pack
• (a) a lute or (b) any othermusical instrument
Leather Armor, and a dagger

Table: The Bard
LevelProficiency BonusFeaturesCantrips KnownSpells KnownSpell Slots per Spell Level
1st+2Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (d6)242--------
2nd+2Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest (d6)253--------
3rd+2Bard College, Expertise2642-------
4th+2Ability Score Improvement
5th+3Bardic Inspiration(d8), Font of Inspiration38432------
6th+3Countercharm, Bard College feature39433------
8th+3Ability Score Improvement
9th+4Song of Rest (d8)31243331----
10th+4Bardic Inspiration(d10), Expertise, Magical Secrets41443332----
12th+4Ability Score Improvement
13th+5Song of Rest (d10)4164333211--
14th+5Magical Secrets, Bard College feature4184333211--
15th+5Bardic Inspiration(d12)41943332111-
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
17th+6Song of Rest(d12)420433321111
18th+6Magical Secrets
19th+6Ability Score Improvement
20th+6Superior Inspiration422433332211

Bardic InspirationA

You can inspire others through stirring words or music. To do so, you use a bonus action on yourturnto choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d6.

Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check,attack roll, orsaving throwit makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Bardic Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Bardic Inspiration die at a time.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Your Bardic Inspiration die changes when you reach certain levels in this class. The die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level.


You have learned to untangle and reshape the fabric of reality in harmony with your wishes and music. Your spells are part of your vast repertoire, magic that you can tune to different situations.


You know two cantrips of your choice from the bard spell list. You learn additional bard cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Bard table.

Spell Slots

The Bard table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Cure Wounds and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Cure Wounds using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know four 1st-level spells of your choice from the bard spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Bard table shows when you learn more bard spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the bard spells you know and replace it with another spell from the bard spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your bard spells. Your magic comes from the heart and soul you pour into the performance of your music or oration. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a bard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast any bard spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a musical instrument (see "Equipment") as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.

Jack of All TradesA

Starting at 2nd level, you can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.

Song of RestA

Beginning at 2nd level, you can use soothing music or oration to help revitalize your wounded allies during a short rest. If you or any friendly creatures who can hear your performance regainhit pointsby spendingHit Diceat the end of the short rest, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.

The extra hit points increase when you reach certain levels in this class: to 1d8 at 9th level, to 1d10 at 13th level, and to 1d12 at 17th level.

Bard CollegeDp

At 3rd level, you delve into the advanced techniques of a bard college of your choice, such as the College of Lore. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th and 14th level.


At 3rd level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

At 10th level, you can choose another two skill proficiencies to gain this benefit.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Font of InspirationA

Beginning when you reach 5th level, you regain all of your expended uses of Bardic Inspiration when you finish a short or long rest.


At 6th level, you gain the ability to use musical notes or words of power to disrupt mind-influencing effects. As anaction, you can start a performance that lasts until the end of your nextturn. During that time, you and any friendly creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against beingfrightenedor charmed. A creature must be able to hear you to gain this benefit. The performance ends early if you are incapacitated or silenced or if you voluntarily end it (no action required).

Magical SecretsA

By 10th level, you have plundered magical knowledge from a wide spectrum of disciplines. Choose two spells from any class, including this one. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip.

The chosen spells count as bard spells for you and are included in the number in the Spells Known column of the Bard table.

You learn two additional spells from any class at 14th level and again at 18th level.

Superior InspirationA

At 20th level, when you roll initiative and have no uses of Bardic Inspiration left, you regain one use.

College of Lore

Bards of the College of Lore know something about most things, collecting bits of knowledge from sources as diverse as scholarly tomes and peasant tales. Whether singing folk ballads in taverns or elaborate compositions in royal courts, these bards use their gifts to hold audiences spellbound. When the applause dies down, the audience members might find themselves questioning everything they held to be true, from their faith in the priesthood of the local temple to their loyalty to the king.

The loyalty of these bards lies in the pursuit of beauty and truth, not in fealty to a monarch or following the tenets of a deity. A noble who keeps such a bard as a herald or advisor knows that the bard would rather be honest than politic.

The college’s members gather in libraries and sometimes in actual colleges, complete with classrooms and dormitories, to share their lore with one another. They also meet at festivals or affairs of state, where they can expose corruption, unravel lies, and poke fun at self-important figures of authority.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of Lore at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with three skills of your choice.

Cutting Words

Also at 3rd level, you learn how to use your wit to distract, confuse, and otherwise sap the confidence and competence of others. When a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you makes anattack roll, an ability check, or a damage roll, you can use your reaction to expend one of your uses of Bardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die and subtracting the number rolled from the creature’s roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the GM determines whether the attack roll or ability check succeeds or fails, or before the creature deals itsdamage. The creature is immune if it can’t hear you or if it’s immune to being charmed.

Additional Magical Secrets

At 6th level, you learn two spells of your choice from any class. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip.
The chosen spells count as bard spells for you but don’t count against the number of bard spells you know.

Peerless Skill

Starting at 14th level, when you make an ability check, you can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration. Roll a Bardic Inspiration die and add the number rolled to your ability check. You can choose to do so after you roll the die for the ability check, but before the GM tells you whether you succeed or fail.

Roll20 - Compendium and Rule Set Directory (2024)


What does SRD mean in Roll20? ›

Roll20. SRD stands for "system reference document." It's a resource for players and creators that offers guidelines on what they can publish for a game or system.

How do compendiums work in Roll20? ›

Compendiums and Compendium Expansions are frequently associated with rulebooks and can be accessed in-game and online. By default, In-game Compendium access aligns with the chosen Character Sheet template.. At any point, you can change Compendium access and settings in the Game Settings from your Game Details page.

Can a player share Compendium Roll20? ›

Based on your subscription level, you can share your purchased compendiums with players in games that you have created.

How do I add to the Compendium? ›

Right-click on the folder you wish to add to your compendium. Choose "Export to Compendium" from the context menu. Choose the Compendium Pack that will be used to store your Documents.

What does GM mean in Roll20? ›

GM or Co-GM

The Creator of the game can promote one or more Players in a game to the role of GM. A GM is granted access to alter, add, and delete most of the game's content within Roll20 as well as access a couple of features from the Game Details Page.

Why is Roll20 blurry? ›

Roll20 can only work with the resolutions that you upload. The only way to improve the image quality is to upload a better quality.

Can you do secret rolls in Roll20? ›

Rolling in Secret

By default, any rolls that you make are seen by everyone in the game. If you want to roll in secret, you can use the /gmroll command to perform a roll that only the GM and the original player who made the roll can see. If you are the GM, performing a /gmroll will only be visible to you.

Why does Roll20 roll 2 numbers? ›

That sheet rolls the d20 twice intentionally, so that you can use the results for advantage/disadvantage.

Can you use Roll20 without paying? ›

However, purchasing a subscription is optional. Roll20 always keeps the base elements you need to run a game for free. You can review the full list of subscription benefits in our Feature Breakdown article.

Can players make rollable tables in Roll20? ›

Creating a Rollable Table. Rollable tables are found under the right-hand Sidebar, under the l Collections-tab. To start a table, click "Add"; and the interface will show you have a "new-table" with "0" items.

Can players fudge rolls on Roll20? ›

Just make all of your rolls as /gm rolls and you can fudge which ones you want. Unless you are rolling behind the screen, then changing how the die landed, and then showing that roll to the players, I don't see what you are missing from the /gm rolls.

How many active users are on Roll20? ›

Lal says that he now has two different groups of employees, one dedicated to users and another to publishers". Dicebreaker reported that per Roll20's PR team "the number of users on Roll20 has doubled in almost two years, going from five million users to more than 10 million".

How to use compendium roll20? ›

The Compendium Tool

You can access the available Compendiums by going to the website's main navigation bar and selecting Tools -> Compendium. This brings you to the Compendium Page where you can choose the Compendium you wish to browse.

How do you add monsters to the compendium in roll20? ›

In the game, you will have a compendium tab (right hand side, marked with an "i" icon). Clicking on that will let you search for monsters, spells, rules and much more. If an item has drag and drop capability, you can use it there. Drag a monster onto the table top, a spell or equipment onto a character sheet, etc.

What is inside the compendium? ›

A compendium ( pl. : compendia or compendiums) is a comprehensive collection of information and analysis pertaining to a body of knowledge. A compendium may concisely summarize a larger work.

What does SRD stand for DND? ›

The Systems Reference Document (SRD) contains guidelines for publishing content under the Open-Gaming License (OGL) or Creative Commons. The Dungeon Masters Guild also provides self-publishing opportunities for individuals and groups.

What is the best file type for Roll20? ›

The three available image file types that can be imported and used in Roll20 are JPG, GIF, and PNG. The maximum upload size is 10MB for Free users, and 20MB for Pro and Plus users. JPEG is Roll20's preferred image file type. JPEG files offer smooth gradients and a small file size.

Is Roll20 really random? ›

All rolling is done via our server. This ensures that dice rolls on Roll20 are as random as possible.

How can I make Roll20 run smoother? ›

The fewer objects that Roll20 has to render individually, the better your performance will be. Keep map sizes small. The default size of 20x20 is recommended. Dividing your encounters across several pages can also help.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.