Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (2024)

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (1)

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (2)

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (3)

By Noelle Corbett , Jenny Melzer & Louis Kemner



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Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (4)

Table of contents

Quick Links

  • Bard Build Summary For Bards

  • Perks of a Dungeons and Dragons Bard

  • The Best Skill Proficiencies For 5e's Bards

  • The Best Background For A Bard

  • Choosing the Right Bardic College

  • The Best Feats For Bards

  • The Best DnD 5e Spells for Bards

  • The Best Magical Items For a Bard

The Bards of have a mixed reputation. Generally seen as incredibly charismatic oafs who can talk just about anyone out of their clothes, people don't often take Bards seriously — and that's their first mistake. With the perfect Fifth Edition Bard build, these characters can easily become powerful members of an adventuring party, all while recording their epic deeds for posterity's sake.

Factors like species, subclass and background choices can impact a Bard's potential. There are also several intriguing feats that, when combined with the right attributes, can more or less turn a Bard into whomever they need to convince the world they are. Bards tend to be jack-of-all-trades characters, which can be just as much of a hindrance as it is a boon. Taking time to carefully consider the impact the character will have on the party and the world around them is an essential part of creating the perfect Bard.

Updated on July 15th, 2024 by Louis Kemner: This guide on how to make the best bard build has been expanded with new information, from new species options to the best magical items for a typical D&D bard to use in their adventures. There isn't a single "right" way to make a bard, but there are still a handful of optimal design choices for each category.


D&D's Gloom Stalker Ranger doesn't fear exploring the dark forests or gloomy caverns that give others trepidation. Here's what makes them strong.

Bard Build Summary For Bards

Ability Scores (in order of importance)

Charisma, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Strength

Skill Proficiencies

Performance, Persuasion, Intimidation, Deception


Half-elf, tabaxi, tiefling, changeling


Celebrity Adventurer's Scion


The College of Lore


Inspiring Leader, War Caster, Actor. Dungeon Delver, Cartomancer, Metamagic Adept, Magic Initiate


Cantrips: Friends, Vicious Mockery; Spells: Charm Person, Calm Emotions, Gift of Gab, Enthrall, Modify Memory, Power Word Kill

Magic Items

Perks of a Dungeons and Dragons Bard

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (6)

Bard Level



Bardic Inspiration - 1d6


Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest


Bard College, Expertise


Font of Inspiration, Bardic Inspiration - 1d8




Magical Secrets, Bardic Inspiration - 1d10


Bardic Inspiration - 1d12


Superior Inspiration

Bards begin their journey much like many other classes, exploring the world and practicing their class before settling on a specific subclass orBardic College at level 3. After choosing a Bardic College, they will gain access to a variety of College-specific features that couple well with the innate abilities listed above. Their use of features like Bardic Inspiration allows them to buff their allies by adding another die they can roll to add to one ability check, saving throw or attack roll. As the bard becomes more experienced, that's reflected in the die, scaling up to 1d12 at level 15. Certain bard subclasses may also add additional features to Inspiration, potentially adding its use to damage rolls or passing the Inspiration on to another ally when certain requirements are met.

Because bards have so many roles they can easily slip into as a support class, a feature like Jack-of-All Trades allows them to add half their proficiency (rounded down) to any ability check they make that doesn't already include their proficiency bonus. This means that even in their weakest area, they can roll with proficiency, giving them opportunities to always be involved in the action, no matter what's going on. Gaining Magical Secrets at level ten allows them to expand their spellcasting into other classes, potentially giving them opportunity to fill a role the party might be missing because they lack a specific spellcaster class.


Necromancy can be an incredibly taboo School of Wizardry to focus in, but having the power to raise an unstoppable army of the dead has major perks.


D&D's Bards Are Charisma-Based Magic Users

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (8)

Charisma is the most important stat in a Bard's repertoire. Not only does it guarantee epic performances in their chosen field of entertainment, but it grants the power to masterfully con, manipulate, charm, deceive and intimidate almost anyonethey meet. This makes them the perfect person to throw into diplomatic situations that need a little finesse, including those moments the rest of the party may find themselves in a jam. After all, social interactions with NPCs are common and important in any D&D campaign or one-shot, and someone has to be the party's "face." If the party lacks a sorcerer, paladin, or warlock who wants to take on that role, then the bard can put their high CHA score to work in this arena.

Nearly all of a Bard's abilities, including the magic they wield, are Charisma-based, so getting that Charisma as high as possible as quickly as possible is a must. Not only does this raise their Spell Attack modifier and Spell Save DC, but a good Charisma base offers a nice boost to important skills like Performance, Deception, Persuasion, and Intimidation.

The next most useful stat is Dexterity, as Bards need to be nimble, agile, and just stealthy enough while pulling the wool over someone's eyes to get away. This will also enhance the bard's Armor Class, making up for their limited , and it also helps them dodge area-of-effect spells like Fireball and Lightning Bolt. Also, if the bard wants to use ranged or finesse weapons, a decent DEX score is important. After that comes the Constitution score, ideally with a modifier of either +1 or +2. Bards aren't always high-priority targets in battle, but having a few extra hit points is still a good idea.

That leaves Intelligence, Wisdom, and Strength. INT is moderately useful if the bard wants to roleplay some Investigation, Arcana, or History, though if the party has a wizard or artificer, those INT rolls are best left to them, turning INT into a dump stat for bards. Wisdom is somewhat useful, such as for various saving throws and perceiving things, since many hostile spells and abilities call for WIS saves. Finally, Strength is a true dump stat for bards in nearly all cases.

The Best Skill Proficiencies For 5e's Bards

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (9)

Choosing the right skill proficiencies is the difference between a mediocre and an amazing bard. Bards don't need to be athletic or know how to handle animals. Using all available opportunities to boost their skill checks in things like Performance, Persuasion, Deception, and Intimidation is an absolute must.

The College of Lore's Expertise feature allows Bards the chance to double their proficiency in up to four skills by the time they reach level 10, which is just another great reason that college is the best option. These are the choices that will truly make a Bard the kind of jack-of-all-trades that is indispensable to the entire party. People won't hesitate to rely on them when it comes to bargaining, convincing, deceiving, and telling the epic tales of the adventures they undertake together while out saving the world. Bards don't quite as much as magic-less rogues do, but bards still have a reputation for being quite skilled outside of battle, and the best bard build will keep that in mind.


Circle of Spores Druids make great D&D characters, as they understand new life comes from the ashes of decay and use their power to manipulate that.

The Best Fantasy Species For Building a D&D Bard

Strong Species Options for Bards

  • Eladrin
  • Elves
  • Drow
  • Tabaxi
  • Tieflings
  • Humans
  • Changelings
  • Satyrs

There are a handful of standard fantasy species perfect for Bards, but the best remains the half-elf. Not only dohalf-elves get an automatic +2 Charisma boost, but they also get two more +1 stat boosts to other attributes. This is great for granting extra Intelligence and Dexterity, both highly useful skills for Bards. Half-elves also have darkvision, extra skill boosts, and advantage on being charmed, which is perfect because they need to be the most charming person on the field. Analyze other potential races carefully, looking through their spells and abilities to determine which one best suits the type of Bard you're creating. Making sure they get an increase in their Charisma is always a good idea, so players should be on the lookout for that as well.

Tabaxi is also a decent option for bards, with the current version of them allowing a +2 to one ability score and another by two, or a 1/1/1 split. Naturally, this will call for +2 CHA and then +1 to either DEX or CON. Tabaxi are also naturally proficient in both Stealth and Perception, which aren't Charisma skills, so that's a nice bonus while the bard focuses on building up their more class-typical skills. Darkvision and Feline Agility are nice too, especially if the bard is in the College of Swords and must rush toward a high-priority target.

Flavor-wise, tieflings are usually used for the best warlock builds, but they also make wonderful bards, what with their natural focus on Charisma. They also get some nifty innate spellcasting, darkvision, and resistance to fire damage. Players might also envision colorful, emotionally charged tieflings as natural entertainers and attention-grabbers, making them great bards in roleplay.

Changelings are tricky, mysterious shapeshifters for obvious reasons, though they are also solid bards, and some players might overlook that fact. Their shapeshifting is mostly a social tool, and all D&D players know or will soon learn how socially inclined bards are meant to be. With the right face, a bard can intimidate, charm, or smooth-talk anyone they meet to get in or out of any situation with the right words. Also, changelings get proficiencies in relevant skills like Persuasion, Deception, and Perception.

The Best Background For A Bard

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (11)

It's all too easy to immediately jump on the Entertainer background when it comes to 5E's best bard build, and while it's a worthy option, take a moment to consider the character's backstory before deciding. A background will not only provide useful skill proficiencies but can also contribute to building the character's personal history.

One great background option for an intriguing backstory is the Celebrity Adventurer's Scion from Acquisition's Incorporated. This character lives in the shadow of their celebrity parent, which means they'll do anything (including dropping names) to make their way out of that shadow of expectation. In addition to interesting backstory material, the Scion also gains proficiency in the Perception and Performance skills and with the Disguise Kit. They also gain access to two additional languages, which is never a bad thing for a traveling party of adventurers.

Other Character Background Options to Consider

  • Charlatan: Sleight of Hand, Deception
  • Faceless: Deception, Intimidation
  • Gladiator: Acrobatics, Performance

Choosing the Right Bardic College

Bard College


College of Valor

Player's Handbook

College of Lore

Player's Handbook

College of Eloquence

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

College of Creation

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

College of Spirits

Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft

College of Whispers

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

College of Swords

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

College of Valor

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

College of Tragedy

Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn

Choosing a Bardic college grants access to the skills, spells, and abilities that will define the character throughout the campaign. As 5e continues to expand its many options for class specializations, the College of Lore continues to be one of the absolute best options for building outstanding Bards. It's the perfect balance between practically infallible skill checks and a list of nearly unstoppable spells from other schools of magic that only keeps growing as the Bard levels up. Lore Bards also gain access to one of the coolest features in D&D — Cutting Words. This allows a character to use one of their Bardic Inspirations as a reaction to affect the outcome of an enemy's attacks, ability checks, and damage rolls.

The College of Glamour is another powerful choice, with intriguing boons like Mantle of Majesty and Unbreakable Majesty that allow them to stop pesky enemies in their tracks. This is done by commanding them to do their bidding or putting them at a disadvantage when the Bard attacks. Consider Colleges carefully, looking at what each offers and thinking about how they will be useful.


The Way of Shadow monk combines utility and stealth features to create one of the best subclasses in Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

The Best Feats For Bards

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (13)

All classes have the option to either boost their core skills or take a feat at certain levels. There are a handful of feats that are particularly useful for Bards. Inspiring Leader couples well with the Bard's Song of Rest ability, granting the entire party temporary hit points after listening to an inspirational speech. War Caster is another great option, as it gives Bards a little more spellcasting flexibility when it comes to Concentration and Opportunity Attacks. Also, Actor boosts Charisma a little more, and since most Bards are always looking for opportunities to flex their acting muscles, it's a good fit.

The Cartomancer feat is decent for to cast with a playing card as a bonus action, which suits a tricky class like this one. If the party lacks a rogue, the Dungeon Delver feat is a fine pick for a bard who will put their skills to good work in most dungeons, but that's a circ*mstantial feat. Magic Initiate and Metamagic Adept are both appealing options if the bard wants to expand their spellcasting abilities.

The Best DnD 5e Spells for Bards




Charm Person, Faerie Fire, Bane, Silvery Barbs


Calm Emotions, Gift of Gab, Magic Mouth, Silence


Antagonize, Fast Friends, Motivational Speech, Tongues


Compulsion, Charm Monster, Polymorph, Dimension Door


Geas, Legend Lore, Mislead


Mass Suggestion, Otto's Irresistible Dance,


Project Image, Mordekainen's Magnificent Mansion, Regenerate


Feeblemind, Power Word Stun, Glibness, Mind Blank


Power Word Kill, Psychic Scream, True Polymorph

Some of the magic a Bard uses is very deceptive and manipulating, which is right on par with performers. They are always playing a role, which is why they'll want to pick up cantrips and early spells like Friends, Charm Person, Calm Emotions, Enthrall and Gift of Gab. As they grow more powerful, they gain access to spells like Modify Memory, Mass Suggestion and Glibness.

Bards who manage to make it into the upper levels can choose from powerful spells like Power Word Stun, True Polymorph, Power Word Kill and so many others that at times it's hard to choose. Stepping back at that level to take a hard look at whom the character has become across their journey is the easiest way to help determine what upper-level spells will suit them and their unique personality.

The Best Magical Items For a Bard

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (14)

they can get their hands on, bards included. These artistic spellcasters will enjoy some of the same items that sorcerers and wizards like, with the Pearl of Power being a common example. This magic item allows the user to restore a spell slot at level 3 or lower, which works wonders for a bard's spell slot management in any dungeon crawl. Notably, most spellcasters will want this item, so the bard must be ready to negotiate about that. It may be easier if the DM provides more than one Pearl of Power.

Music is how a bard functions in most cases, and that calls for items like the Rhythm-Maker's Drum. It's an uncommon item that provides +1 to attacks and spells save DCs, and on defense, bards will benefit from the likes of a Cloak of Protection, a Stone of Good Luck, Elven Chain, and even Barrier Tattoo if armor is not being worn. Amulet of Health will instantly set the bard's CON to 19 and thus boost their HP if they often find themselves getting attacked by monsters.

Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (15)
Dungeons and Dragons

A fantasy roleplaying tabletop game designed for adventure-seekers, the original incarnation of Dungeons & Dragons was created by Gary Gygax in 1974.

Dungeons & Dragons

Original Release Date
January 26, 1974

Wizards of the Coast , TSR Inc.

E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson

Player Count
4-8 Players Recommended

Age Recommendation

Length per Game
3 hours +

Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition , Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition , Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition , Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition


Dungeons & Dragons is the fantasy tabletop role-playing game that has persevered for nearly 50 years and continues to grow strong. Created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, the game first made publication in 1974 and now falls under the Wizards of the Coast publishing wing. A typical game of DnD consists of 4-6 players, with one player acting as the Dungeon Master. Players can take a sheet and by consulting the various rule books and expansions, can create their own character with weapons, skills, and physical appearance. Once all characters are created, the Dungeon Master sets them off in a campaign of their choosing or design, where players will have to follow the rules of the DM as they roleplay their way through storylines. The characters will level up, find equipment, and experience permanent changes based on the way the story plays out. A roll of the dice can mean the difference between a successful hit, and a painful end. The most recent edition of Dungeons & Dragons is the 5th edition rule book.

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Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Bard (2024)
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